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State-of-the-Art Technology:BANANZA AIR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, is dedicated to producing the highest quality gas-fired heating equipment. With over 40 years experience in the direct gas-fired and SPRAY-CURE technology, together with TECHNOCURE Spray Booths we offer the highest quality heaters at the best value. Extended Warranty:BANANZA AIR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS & TECHNOCURE offers the longest standard warranty in the direct gas-fired heating industry. We warrant our equipment to be free from defects in material for a period of 24 months (2 years) from date of installation. We also encourage you to have all installations and start-ups done by a trained or licensed installer. Cost Efficient:BANANZA - TECHNOCURE heaters have low-cost installation with advanced SPRAY-CURE technology, which is the most cost-efficient way to operate a spray booth. The BANANZA - TECHNOCURE SPRAY-CURE process allows you to cure the finish on a vehicle in the shortest amount of time possible. The BANANZA - TECHNOCURE SPRAY-CURE heater increases productivity and the new TECHNOCURE DELUXE DIGITAL SYSTEM increases it further. Low-Cost Maintenance & Reliability:Maintenance on a reliable BANANZA - TECHNOCURE heater is simple. You'll save both time and money over conventional heaters because there are no heat exchangers, flues or reflectors to clean and maintain. The heaters are built using only the best available brand name components. BANANZA - TECHNOCURE emphasizes quality and reliability with all heater components being UL, CSA, or AGA listed. Design Certification:BANANZA AIR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS & TECHNOCURE Spray Booths, SPRAY-CURE models are manufactured in compliance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard for direct gas-fired industrial air heaters. In addition, BANANZA & TECHNOCURE's product line is certified by the Intertek Testing Services (ETL). BANANZA - TECHNOCURE heaters are perfect for applications requiring safe, efficient heating and ventilation systems. See Standard Marks Below. Positive Pressurization:BANANZA - TECHNOCURE SPRAY-CURE & heaters bring in a controlled amount of fresh, tempered outdoor air, which keeps debris from entering your spray booth. This positive pressurization in a spray booth improves operation by flushing out dirt, overspray, and fumes. The result is quality paint jobs from your spray booth. Versatility:BANANZA - TECHNOCURE heaters can be mounted indoors or outdoors, vertically or horizontally to meet the space demands of your shop. These heaters can be used with Down Draft, Semi-Down Draft, Side Draft , Cross Draft and Truck & Equipment Spray Booths. BANANZA - TECHNOCURE also provides makeup air for Prep Stations. Energy Efficiency:BANANZA - TECHNOCURE's direct gas-fired SPRAY-CURE heaters are 100% thermally efficient, which means that all of the heat generated by combustion is released into your spray booth. There is no heat lost up a chimney, flue or through a heat exchanger. This is a fuel savings feature that can't be found with an indirect fired heating system. Standard Features:
Standards:All heaters are built to:
Patents:U.S. 4429679, Canada 1,189840, Germany DE 3236343, Great Britain GB2119082B & GB2158571B Click here to view AMU Printed Information Click here to view the AMU Photo Gallery •
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