Pro Tools & Equipment,
Spray Booths Prep Stations Paint Mix Rooms Air Make-up Systems AlumaRoom Air Filters Shop Curtains Welding Blankets Frame Benches Floor Anchors Pulling Accessories Super Seal Roll Door
The first and only company in the body repair industry with your complete Aluminum repair solutions.PresentsALUMAROOMThis high tech room seals you off from the contaminants in your shop that can ruin your repair. The ALUMAROOM is a well lit, well ventilated, sealed work area that allows you to store all your tools in an orderly fashion, separate from your steel working tools. If ALUMAROOM, is not for you we can do an area cordoned off with Shop Curtains.
How The ALUMAROOM Works:The Technocure
draws in air from the shop through the filters in the ceiling at the front of
the room, across the inside cabin to the back wall and is filtered once again and
pulled through the exhaust chamber by the fan and put back into the shop. It's
that simple! This keeps the air and heat in the shop saving you money, and
prevents iron contamination from the rest of the shop. Specifications:
Booth Shell
Entrance Doors
Personnel Door
Lighting Need help on lighting decisions? this article will help: "The right light?"
Filtration System
Fan Motor
Finish Options:
You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it. If you don't have it already, get it here for free. Booth complies with all NEC, OSHA and NFPA regulations. All hardware, filters and sealants needed for installation are included. Some electrical components are to be supplied by others.
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