Pro Tools & Equipment,
Spray Booths Prep Stations Paint Mix Rooms Air Make-up Systems AlumaRoom Air Filters Shop Curtains Welding Blankets Frame Benches Floor Anchors Pulling Accessories Super Seal Roll Door
Truck, trailer, equipment and other oversize and specialty booths can be made by us. If you don't see what you are looking for, ask us. We can do practically anything. The models depicted below range in size from 20' wide x 16' 6" high x 64' 4" long on up. This size of this booth is typical for a Truck Booth. Your application can be made longer, taller, wider. Maybe you need to paint airplanes. Hang equipment from a bridge crane - No Problem! Cross Draft Booths
The Technocure Cross Draft Booth intakes fresh air through filters in the product doors and door side panels. The clean filtered air is drawn through the booth and exhausted through a filter system at the other end. This type of spray booth makes efficient use of shop space and is available in solid back, drive-through, and reverse flow designs. Reverse flow booths intake air through filters in the back wall. The solid faced product doors are at the exhaust end of the booth. This provides cleaner intake filtration and better control of shop dust. Semi Down Draft BoothsThe Technocure Semi Down Draft booth intakes fresh air from the cleaner upper level of the shop, through a bank of filters in the ceiling near the entrance doors. The filtered air is drawn down and across the length of the booth, through a filtered exhaust system at the back. The booth is available in solid back, drive through, and reverse flow designs. Down Draft BoothsThis very efficient booth design intakes fresh air from the cleaner upper levels of the shop, through filter banks in the ceiling. The clean filtered air is then drawn down and around the product, through a filtered exhaust system pit in the floor underneath. This design tends to keep over spray away from unpreped product areas, and also away from the painter and other painters in the booth. The booth is equipped with an air supply plenum and is available in both solid back and drive-through designs Side Down Draft BoothsThis Side Downdraft booth offers most of the full downdraft booth benefits without an expensive downdraft exhaust pit. Fresh air is brought in from the cleaner upper levels of the shop, through filter banks in the ceiling of the booth. The clean filtered air is drawn down and away from the product through exhaust filters at floor level along both sides of the booth. The over spray is pulled away from other parts of the product and from other painters in the booth. This booth is equipped with an air supply plenum and is available in both solid back and drive-through design. Specifications:
Spray Booths comply with all NEC, OSHA and NFPA regulations. All hardware, filters and sealants needed for installation are included. The control panel and other electrical components are to be supplied by others. Please
take some time to view photos of these booths installed in customers shops.
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